Glorious autumn colour goes up a notch this month as many leaves take on a golden yellow that twinkles in the low sun

©GAP Photos/Howard Rice
Strong lines from straight hedges, pleached trees and curved topiary forms a fine backbone for the months to come, while clothing boundaries with deciduous climbers, such as parthenocissus and ornamental grapes, adds an extra layer of glowing foliage

1 Pleached trees are far more dramatic features if you choose a deciduous plant such as beech or hornbeam. ©Shutterstock / anderus

2 Argyranthemums are relentless bloomers for much of the growing season and can overwinter if kept dry in a sheltered corner. H: 60cm. ©Shutterstock / Peter_Fleming

3 If you gave topiary a final trim at the end of summer, it will start to pay off now as the form of clipped evergreens becomes a real garden highlight. ©Shutterstock / daseaford